Controllers are responsible for air traffic control, providing safety and order to the flights. In the network they are also performing advising functions, helping pilots to solve their problems.


Are you a controller in the other VATSIM division and want to provide ATC in Ukraine?
Join our visiting controllers team!


Step 1

Firstly, you need to register on VATSIM network, if you didn't do it yet. Just follow our link here. We will bring you right to the registration form, where you just need to put some information about you. Please fill in all the fields with true information about yourself and wisely choose your division.

Step 2

As long as Ukraine is a member of a VATEUD division in VATSIM, to become a controller here your VATSIM account should have the following settings: Region - Europe, Middle East and Asia (EMEA), Division - Europe (except UK). To check your current settings please follow the link here. In case you need to change your settings, you are able to do it on the same page.

Step 3

Everyone has their own workspace, pilots have simulator and controllers have client. For the VATSIM network there are a few clients exists and the most popular of them is EuroScope. We are also using EuroScope to provide our control, so please follow the link and download your copy here.

Step 4

The major difference between pilots and controllers in the network is that you can not log in as a controller from the very beginning. To provide air traffic control you will need special training and clearance. There are a number of different ATC positions and ratings that corresponds to them. Here is a list of all the ratings and their responsibilities.

Rating ATC position Responsibility
Student 1 Delivery/Ground Provide clearance for the departing traffic, and controls taxi from stand to the active runway and backwards.
Student 2 Tower Controls airplanes on the runway - allows takeoffs and ladings and manage airspace in the aerodrome area.
Student 3 Approach/Departure Provides departure and arrival for aircrafts. Controls all the air traffic in the limited airspace.
Controller Control Provides service for the aircrafts following the route and transit aircrafts.
Instructor Training center Mentor the new coming controllers and allows their exams.

This way the responsibility is getting bigger with higher rating. As a newcomer you are allowed to get your Student 1 rating, that allows you to control aircrafts on the ground.

Step 5

Now let's talk how are you going to get your rating ...
First of all, you should sign in at out ATC management system here This will be your main work place where you going to study and pass exams. Now let's find an instructor.
Go to the USERS section of the website and check with the instructors list. You can contact any of available instructors. Their contacts are provided there as well.

Step 6

As you already realized, to get your first rating you will have to pass an exam.
Student 1 exam consists only the questioning part. You will have to answer 25 questions, if you guess 20 or more questions right the test is passed.
To prepare for the test we provide you a study plan, that is also available on the ATC management system. It is a list of documents and particular sections that you should be familiar with to pass the test successfully.
Be aware that tests are created using only the material listed in the study plan, and the test is fully independent from the instructor, so no one can actually affect your test results. Everything depends only on you and your knowledge.
To pass the test use the button on the dashboard page of management system. When the instructor approves your attempt, you will be able to pass it. We wish you a good luck!

Step 7

When you pass the test successfully, your instructor will prepare your rating change. Usually it takes no more than 7 days to approve your rating. When the procedure is finished, you will receive an email regarding the changes.
Since this moment you are officially an air traffic controller!


  • UKBV - FIR Kyiv
  • UKDV - FIR Dnipro
  • UKFV - FIR Simferopol
  • UKOV - FIR Odesa
  • UKLV - FIR L'viv

Each FIR is also a control area which is served by a controller.

Since VATSIM rules are following the path not to involve into politics and not to get into any conflict situations we use the airspace structure dated 2012, which is not fully corresponds to current real life structure.

Each flight information region are also divided into terminal areas TMA, that serves precise aerodromes. Their borders can be determined on the Enroute charts. We provide you with the list of main ATC positions, their frequencies and callsigns for every FIR.

Position Frequency Airspace Callsign
FIR Kyiv
UKBV_CTR 135.150 CTA Kyiv (generic) Kyiv Radar
UKBV_APP 124.670 TMA Kyiv (generic) Kyiv Radar
UKBV_1_APP 127.720 TMA Kyiv BV-1 Kyiv Radar
UKBV_2_APP 124.670 TMA Kyiv BV-2 Kyiv Radar
UKBB_APP 122.770 TMA Kyiv (generic) Kyiv Radar
UKBB_3_APP 128.120 TMA Kyiv BV-3 Kyiv Radar
UKBB_4_APP 122.770 TMA Kyiv BV-4 Kyiv Radar
FIR Dnipro
UKDV_CTR 125.120 CTA Dnipro (generic) Dnipro Radar
UKDD_APP 119.400 TMA Dnipro Dnipro Radar
UKHH_APP 133.900 ТМА Kharkiv (generic) Kharkiv Radar
UKHH_1_APP 118.100 ТМА Kharkiv Kharkiv Radar
UKHH_2_APP 133.900 ТМА Kharkiv Kharkiv Radar
UKDE_APP 119.200 ТМА Zaporizhzhia Zaporizhzhia Radar
FIR Simferopol
UKFV_CTR 120.400 CTA Simferopol (generic) Simferopol Radar
UKFF_APP 124.700 ТМА Simferopol (generic) Simferopol Radar
FIR Odesa
UKOV_CTR 132.200 CTA Odesa (generic) Odesa Radar
UKOO_APP 120.900 ТМА Odesa (generic) Odesa Radar
FIR L'viv
UKLV_CTR 134.050 CTA L'viv (generic) L'viv Radar
UKLL_APP 120.525 ТМА L'viv (generic) L'viv Radar

The information regarding Tower, Ground, Delivery, ATIS you may find using the aerodrome charts.


In the VATSIM network to provide a better ATC coverage in Ukraine, we use such an ATC position as Ukraine Radar.
The area of responsibility of such a controller will be all the five flight information regions (UKBV, UKDV, UKFV, UKOV, UKLV) if local ATC is offline. This way the single air traffic controller can provide a service in whole the country.
As a condition, a controller may choose his vertical borders and provide service either from the ground or from the specific altitude/flight level. This information should be posted in ATC remarks.
This position has it's own frequency.

Position Frequency Airspace Callsign
UKR_CTR 123.470 CTA Kyiv, СТА Dnipro, СТА Simferopol, СТА Odesa, СТА L'viv Ukraine Radar


In Ukraine a standard semi-circular ICAO system of vertical separation is used. With the division for WESTBOUND (180-359 degrees) / EASTBOUND (360-179 degrees) flights. The measurement unit is feet. All the aircrafts flying westbound should use even flight level, eastbound flights are served with odd flight levels.
Minimum vertical separation below FL290 is 1000 feet. Between flight levels FL290 and FL660 the minimum separation is increased to 2000 feet.
Between FL290 and FL410 RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums) is used, therefore the minimum separation in this layer is 1000 feet.